Standard 3: Diverse Learners

A teacher must understand how students differ in their approaches to learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to students with diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities.

I work with students with special needs.  I have also had the opportunity to work with English Language Learners this summer.  Both populations have specific needs that should be addressed as a teacher.

Children with special needs can learn.  They learn differently.  They may learn at a different pace.  But they can learn.  These students need adaptions to lessons.  For a student with dyslexia, audiobooks might be helpful along with written text for better understanding.  Students with hearing impairments may need a teacher to have a microphone or an interpreter.  A child with autism may need a picture schedule and sensory breaks.

Children who are English language learners need to have their culture, language and traditions recognized.  I have learned this summer these students have challenges with vocabulary understanding and pronunciation.

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